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🚀 快速开始-仅使用Chart组件绘图


  • 仅使用chart组件意味着需要自行实现数据的获取和处理,以及与图表的数据层面交互。
  • 开始使用前,请保证环境满足要求,环境要求参阅:👉环境要求

1、获取 HXKLineChart

HXKLineChart 支持多种下载方式,你可以通过npm等包管理工具,也可以通过CDN获取。

使用 npm

npm set registry
# or
npm set registry

npm install @ths-m/HXKlineChart

使用 CDN


# 国内[顶部HXKlineChart版本号].js
# 海外[顶部HXKlineChart版本号].js





// 命名导出,直接引用组件内部成员
import { init } from '@ths-m/HXKlineChart';
// or
import * as HXKlineChart from '@ths-m/HXKlineChart';

// 初始化图表
const chart = init(`${domId}`);
// 默认导出
const chart = HXKlineChart.init(`${domId}`);

// 为图表添加数据
  { close: 4976.16, high: 4977.99, low: 4970.12, open: 4972.89, timestamp: 1587660000000, volume: 204 },
  { close: 4977.33, high: 4979.94, low: 4971.34, open: 4973.2, timestamp: 1587660060000, volume: 194 },
  { close: 4977.93, high: 4977.93, low: 4974.2, open: 4976.53, timestamp: 1587660120000, volume: 197 },
  { close: 4966.77, high: 4968.53, low: 4962.2, open: 4963.88, timestamp: 1587660180000, volume: 28 },
  { close: 4961.56, high: 4972.61, low: 4961.28, open: 4961.28, timestamp: 1587660240000, volume: 184 },
  { close: 4964.19, high: 4964.74, low: 4961.42, open: 4961.64, timestamp: 1587660300000, volume: 191 },
  { close: 4968.93, high: 4972.7, low: 4964.55, open: 4966.96, timestamp: 1587660360000, volume: 105 },
  { close: 4979.31, high: 4979.61, low: 4973.99, open: 4977.06, timestamp: 1587660420000, volume: 35 },
  { close: 4977.02, high: 4981.66, low: 4975.14, open: 4981.66, timestamp: 1587660480000, volume: 135 },
  { close: 4985.09, high: 4988.62, low: 4980.3, open: 4986.72, timestamp: 1587660540000, volume: 76 },

2.2、在直接通过 script 标签引入的项目中创建

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="快速开始" />
    <meta name="description" content="快速开始" />
    <div id="chart" style="width:600px;height:600px"></div>
      window.onload = function () {
        // 初始化图表
        var chart = HXKlineChart.init('chart');

        // 为图表添加数据
          { close: 4976.16, high: 4977.99, low: 4970.12, open: 4972.89, timestamp: 1587660000000, volume: 204 },
          { close: 4977.33, high: 4979.94, low: 4971.34, open: 4973.2, timestamp: 1587660060000, volume: 194 },
          { close: 4977.93, high: 4977.93, low: 4974.2, open: 4976.53, timestamp: 1587660120000, volume: 197 },
          { close: 4966.77, high: 4968.53, low: 4962.2, open: 4963.88, timestamp: 1587660180000, volume: 28 },
          { close: 4961.56, high: 4972.61, low: 4961.28, open: 4961.28, timestamp: 1587660240000, volume: 184 },
          { close: 4964.19, high: 4964.74, low: 4961.42, open: 4961.64, timestamp: 1587660300000, volume: 191 },
          { close: 4968.93, high: 4972.7, low: 4964.55, open: 4966.96, timestamp: 1587660360000, volume: 105 },
          { close: 4979.31, high: 4979.61, low: 4973.99, open: 4977.06, timestamp: 1587660420000, volume: 35 },
          { close: 4977.02, high: 4981.66, low: 4975.14, open: 4981.66, timestamp: 1587660480000, volume: 135 },
          { close: 4985.09, high: 4988.62, low: 4980.3, open: 4986.72, timestamp: 1587660540000, volume: 76 },


📚 chart 绘图所需数据结构

图表所需要的数据必须是固定格式。通过图表实例 API applyNewData(dataList, more)applyMoreData(dataList, more)updateData(data)来和图表进行数据交互。

  // 时间戳,毫秒级别,必要字段
  timestamp: number
  // 开盘价,必要字段
  open: number
  // 收盘价,必要字段
  close: number
  // 最高价,必要字段
  high: number
  // 最低价,必要字段
  low: number
  // 昨收价,非必须字段
  pre: number
  // 成交量,非必须字段
  volume: number
  // 成交额,非必须字段,如果需要展示技术指标'EMV'和'AVP',则需要为该字段填充数据。
  turnover: number

Released under the Apache License V2.